
Concert on Friday, November 11 at 8 pm

William Engelen |

Concert on Friday, November 11 at 8 pm

Verstrijken for solo violin: Clemens Merkel (Quatuor Bozzini)51:20 min. Verstrijken represents the time the artist is staying for the residency at LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE. From the moment he arrived, on October 10th at 7 pm until the beginning of the concert, on November 11th at 8 pm, he will write a diary. The musicpiece is based on this diary. The structure in the composition is given by the structure of his days. Daily occupations and his valuation of them are translated into a graphical score. Each hour of the day is represented by 4 seconds of music. Verstrijken for string trio: Caroline Béchard, Anne Morrier, Suzanne Villeneuve (Quatuor Cartier), 8:24 min. This composition represents a week in the life of the three members of the trio. On the gallery walls, Engelen draws a graphic score created in his own personal way.

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