Trait d'union

Linda Duvall |

trait d’union As part of Chambre Blanche’s programme performatif, Saskatoon artist Linda Duvall is developing a web-based project trait d’union. However, in Duvall’s project she is behind the camera, and the participants are diverse members of Quebec’s cultural community. This anniversary year is the time to acknowledge people who will shape the next 100 years. Duvall is meeting with people from Quebec who are currently active in the community, going to openings, writing about art, making art, or maybe even buying some. Linda is interviewing a diverse group of Quebecois artists and cultural workers. From these interviews she will develop short videos for presentation in the web project. The texts will be interspersed with shots that show the streets that form their personal geography. Visitors to the site will be able to see this community from a range of perspectives. Learn who the underrated artists are, find out how often they get together for a beer. There are many cliches associated with the role of artist. Duvall provides a context for understanding what it means to work in an art community today.


Linda Duvall partage son temps entre Saskatoon et Toronto. Son travail a fait l'objet d'expositions qui ont été présentées au Canada et à l'étranger dont à Barcelone, à Westport (Irelande) et au Guatémala. Son travail s'intéresse aux circonstances complexes éthiquement, particulièrement aux situations qui émergent des découvertes scientifiques comme la génétique. Elle utilise l'installation, la performance, les projections vidéo, l'audio multicanaux et elle s'approprie des dispositifs de technologie commerciale. Ses oeuvres valorisent la participation du public.

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