L'art conflictuel

Research residency at LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE's documentation centre.

Marie-Hélène Leblanc |

Research residency at LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE's documentation centre.

It’s been already more than a year that Marie-Hélène Leblanc started a research about war in contemporary art. Within the framework of her residency at the documentation centre of LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE, she wishes to pursue her research by bringing out artists and current movements in reaction to a recent and present war - and to the political instability engendered by it - in some fragile areas of the globe to a political level. Artist, author and curator, Marie-Hélène Leblanc explains her subject: « The creation can act in various ways, so numerous as the contexts in which it is. As an artist, feeling the power to influence the politics, describing the atrocities committed in time of war, defending his human rights or imposing a retrospective glance on the effects of a war is acting in the foreground of the political ». This research about the influence of the war on creation and the artist’s part in this context is the onset of a curatorial project.


Marie-Hélène Leblanc vit et travaille à Gatineau où elle occupe le poste de directrice artistique du centre d’artistes Daïmõn, un centre de production en photo, vidéo et nouveaux medias. Elle s’intéresse à l’architecture, à l’habitation temporaire, aux proches et au lointain. Elle a participé en tant que commissaire et/ou artiste à une dizaine d’expositions au Québec et en France.

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